On October, 29 the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC) organised a joint workshop in Brussels (Belgium) where Coolrec had the opportunity to disseminate the PLAST2bCLEANED project.
Tom Caris, Project Manager at Coolrec was the person in charge to explain the audience the challenges in recycling plastics-the scope for PLAST2bCLEANED, from products with a long lifetime, and how standardization can facilitate that. Tom participated as well on the panel discussion afterwards.
The workshop entitled ‘Materials – Value chains for circular economy: metal, wood, plastic and concrete’ addressed the challenges linked to the circularity of material-use at every phase of the value chain, and also identified specific standardization gaps for metal, wood, plastic and concrete circularity.