“At Juchheim, we design and build a semiflow pilot-unit for dissolution and subsequent separation of undissolved residues”

Interview with Christoph Zang, Managing Partner at Juchheim

How is Juchheim going to contribute to PLAST2bCLEANED success?

Juchheim designs and builds a semiflow pilot-unit for dissolution and subsequent separation of undissolved residues. This is made possible by transferring the results from the lab-experiments of our research partners to pilot-scale equipment.

What are the main challenges ahead?

At Jucheim we face mainly two big challenges. On the one hand, processing superheated solvents at elevated pressures demands a thorough selection of concepts and equipment and, on the other, apparatus design for a mechanical solid-liquid separation with a wide size and shape spectrum. All this is clearly challenging , but we are excited about that!

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